The 2015 Boca Grande tarpon fishing started a little early this year. April was spectacular this year and I boated a lot of really nice fish well over 100 lbs. The fish were packed into Charlotte Harbor and the fish were feeding very well. I had a lot of double digit days in April and the best part was that there were almost no other boats around.
The action has continued into May as thousands of hungry Tarpon have moved into Boca Grande Pass and it’s surrounding waters. Huge spawn schools have been moving up into the harbor and then falling back into the pass. These schools generally feed pretty well and it is truly an awesome sight.
The beaches have had lots of beautiful schools migrating to the pass recently and this is some of my favorite fishing. Just imagine hunting for a school of tarpon and finally finding them. Then slowly stalking them and finally being rewarded with a huge jump and a screaming drag!
Charlotte Harbor is still loaded with fish as well. The problem with the harbor is that it’s pretty big and the Tarpon don’t just stay in one area. The upside is that these fish are up there to EAT and when you find them they generally are feeding.
Pine Island Sound has had it’s fair share a tarpon as well and has been a great spot to catch a tarpon on windy days when some of the other areas are too rough. We are really blessed to have such a diverse area to catch Tarpon.
Well, that’s the report for now and not much should change in June. I’ll try and post another report in June but I am crazy busy and it’s hard to find the time.
Catch Fish, No Excuses!
Capt. Danny Latham