Looking for Port Charlotte Fishing Charters?

Port Charlotte is a great place for your next fishing adventure! Port Charlotte is located at the north end of the Charlotte Harbor Estuary and offers an almost endless amount of fishing opportunities. It boasts 129 square miles of sparkling water, clear sunshine and fishing at its greatest! The casual, friendly atmosphere appeals to those who are seeking the natural pleasures of life and fishing is second to none.

Nestled right at the mouth of the Peace River, the Port Charlotte area provides easy access to Charlotte Harbor and all its many wonders. Miles of beautiful mangroves, acres of grass flats and huge sand bars all line the east and west “walls”of Charlotte Harbor providing some of the best fishing habitat in the world. Since this area is only minutes from Boca Grande and the Gulf of Mexico, it is considered to be the “Mecca” of Tarpon fishing during early summer and fall. If you happen to be here at that time you may want to consider fishing for these truly amazing fish. Just be ready for some tired arms as you experience some of the best Tarpon fishing in the world.


January – March

4 Hours
6 Hours
8 Hours

April – July

6 Hours
10-12 Hours


4 Hours
6 Hours
8 Hours

*No Fish-No Pay Guarantee!!! If you don’t catch a gamefish on one of my backcountry/flats trips the trip is free! Guaranteed! No questions asked!*

**Due to high demand for Boca Grande Tarpon Fishing we only run 6 hr, 10hr or 12hr trips from April thru July. The 6hr trips run from 7:00am-1:00pm and 2:00pm-8:00pm.**

Please Note: All Boca Grande fishing charters are NOT the same. We have over 20 years guiding experience, 50 plus tournament wins and use only the best equipment. Guaranteed fish!! That’s what we do!

Want to catch Snook and Redfish?

Port Charlotte fishing charters offers some of the best Snook and Redfish fishing in the world! The late winter and spring months provide some exceptional Snook fishing opportunities as Snook emerge from their winter homes ready to eat! During summer and fall their appetite continues as they fatten up for their annual spawn. We have Redfish all year as well but in late summer large spawning schools of Redfish move in from the Gulf of Mexico and take up residence along the edges of the shallow flats. Most of these schools will have a hundred or more fish and these are the big breeders or “bull” reds averaging around 30 inches, weighing around 10lb-12lbs. They school up each year for their annual spawn starting in late July and continuing into October. The best part about this area is that we catch Snook and Redfish all year long. Yes, you heard right. We catch Snook and Redfish all year long and wear shorts and flip flops while we’re doing it!

What Can I expect while on a Port Charlotte fishing charter?

While fishing in Port Charlotte you can expect to see many different kinds of wildlife. Dolphins, Alligators and a variety of birds all call Charlotte Harbor home. Up by Port Charlotte the water is a clear golden brown color, much like a very weak glass of tea. This is due to the freshwater flowing from the Peace and Myakka rivers. Beautiful grass flats and mangrove shorelines abound with fish in this area and at times it boasts some of Charlotte Harbors finest fishing. As you travel closer to the Gulf of Mexico the water will turn to a stunning emerald green where miles of sandy white beaches and mangrove islands provide anglers some great sight fishing opportunities as well as some awesome scenery.