Ever dream of catching a Shark?

If it’s Boca Grande fishing charters for Sharks that haunt your dreams look no further because we have a lot of them in Boca Grande and all of Southwest Florida. Because of the abundance of food (prey) and warm water temperatures sharks have long considered Charlotte Harbor and Southwest Florida to be their domain. Often times they feel the need to prove it by unexpectedly attacking anglers fish while reeling them in from the clear green water.

Generally the species of Sharks we will encounter are Bull Sharks, Hammer Head Sharks, Lemon Sharks, and Black Tip Sharks ranging in sizes from 3-15 Feet Long. If you are among those that feel that humans are the dominant species in the world I invite you to come aboard my boat and strap yourself to an average 6-10 foot shark. I guarantee your opinion will change about who really rules the oceans.

shark fishing charters

When is the best time to go Shark Fishing?

In Boca Grande and Southwest Florida the fishing season is year round for sharks and anglers of all ages and skill levels can take advantage of these fantastic and aggressive creatures. Normally we will do more shark fishing in the spring and summer time because more sharks have migrated to the area for the abundance of food that the Charlotte Harbor area offers.

What if I am just learning to fish? I’m not sure I am ready for a large Shark.
Not to worry. We have all different size sharks here in Southwest Florida. So if you don’t think you are ready to catch a big shark we can easily find sharks that even young children can handle. Juvenile sharks can be found roaming the shallow flats in search of food anywhere in Florida. Often times we see them when we are targeting other fish. Captain Danny will custom tailor your Boca Grande shark fishing charter to fit the experience level of the anglers to guarantee a good time for the kids as well as the adults.

Conservation for Sharks

With over 100 species of sharks living in the Gulf of Mexico near Charlotte Harbor it only makes sense that we fish for them. Even though Sharks can often seem like they are a nuisance, they are actually very important to the ecosystem. Sharks help maintain the balance of marine life in the shallow flats as well as the open ocean. So when we catch these powerful fish we always practice catch and release so they may continue to do their job. Most of the sharks put up a tremendous fight and they’re always released to fight another day.


January – March

4 Hours
6 Hours
8 Hours

April – July

6 Hours
10-12 Hours


4 Hours
6 Hours
8 Hours

**  Due to high demand for Boca Grande Tarpon Fishing we only run 6 hr, 10hr or 12hr trips from April thru July. The 6hr trips run from 7:00am-1:00pm and 2:00pm-8:00pm.**

Catch and Release only!

Please Note. All fishing charters are NOT the same. We have over 20 years guiding experience, 50 plus tournament wins and use only the best equipment. 


Light/Heavy Tackle, Live and Artificial Bait

Captain Danny spends quite a bit of time preparing for each and every charter. You can have confidence that you’ll be fishing with first-class equipment that is perfectly rigged. You’re going to be targeting fish that will look for any opportunity to gain the upper hand, and Captain Danny does his best to give you every advantage.


  • Hammerhead Shark
  • Bull Shark
  • Lemon Shark
  • Blacktip Shark
  • Spinner Shark