Want to catch some Snook?

(Centropomus undecimalis) – Linesider – or Common Snook, no matter what you call them catching Snook is just plain FUN! Boca Grande Snook fishing is something that is fun and exciting for all skill levels of fisherman. Here in Southwest Florida and Boca Grande we can catch Snook all year long. Their size ranges from 12″ all the way up to a massive 40 plus inches with the average being around 24’’, weighing 3-5lbs. Their initial strike is explosive and is often times followed by head-shaking jumps and searing runs as they do their best to get off the hook or break your line.

Similar to Large Mouth Bass, Snook love to sit around structure and ambush baits as they come passing by. This structure also provides a great place to hide from predators, like Sharks and Dolphins, as well as allowing the tides to bring their food to them, helping conserve energy. Although Snook can be finicky at times they eat a wide variety of live baits including sardines, threadfin herring, shrimp, pinfish, mullet, grunts and ladyfish.

snook fishing charters

Boca Grande Fishing charters for Snook are legendary. Not only are Snook similar to a Large Mouth Bass because of the way they hunt but also because of their lack of teeth. Therefore, these fish have to strike hard to swallow the entire bait they intend to eat, so get ready for some vicious strikes and hold on tight. Live bait chumming with sardines consistently produces the best Snook fishing. Using this chumming technique gets the Snook into a feeding frenzy as they chase the wounded chum baits to the surface and violently attack them. When this happens you not only know the fish are feeding but you also know where they are! 50 plus fish days are not uncommon using this live chumming technique and makes Snook exceptionally susceptible to fly. We also like to throw a lot of soft plastic artificial lures, small plugs such as the Mirrolure Mirrodines, as well as many different types of fly fishing flies. A normal fly-fishing outfit would be somewhere in the range of a 7-10 weight fly rod with floating line and about an 8′ 20-30 lb. leader to keep their sharp gill from slicing through the line. For any new fly fishing angler this is probably your best species to target here in Southwest Florida especially if they have been chummed into a frenzy.

Boca Grande Snook Fishing can be great all year long, during the day or night. Night time Snook fishing around the numerous lighted docks and bridges has become a favorite for many local Snook fishermen. Although Snook are primarily nocturnal feeders we still catch plenty of them during the day time and Captain Danny actually prefers it. Just like any other fishing destination or type of fishing there are certain spots where local knowledge really pays off, so that is why we always recommend you fish with a guide, especially in Charlotte Harbor. Captain Danny is a full-time, native Boca Grande fishing guide that has been fishing these waters since he was a child.


January – March

4 Hours
6 Hours
8 Hours

April – July

6 Hours
10-12 Hours


4 Hours
6 Hours
8 Hours

*No Fish-No Pay Guarantee!!! If you don’t catch a gamefish on one of my  backcountry/flats trips the trip is free! Guaranteed! No questions asked!*

 ** Due to high demand for Boca Grande Tarpon Fishing we only run 6 hr, 10hr or 12hr trips from April thru July. The 6hr trips run from 7:00am-1:00pm and 2:00pm-8:00pm.**

Please Note: All fishing charters are NOT the same. We have over 20 years guiding experience, 50 plus tournament wins and use only the best equipment. Guaranteed fish!! That’s what we do!


Light Tackle, Live and Artificial Bait

Boca Grande fishing charters require top quality tackle to ensure that you not only hook, but also land your catch of a lifetime. Top of the line Shimano spinning reels are matched to G-Loomis rods and spooled with 10-20lb Power Pro braided line for the ultimate flats rigs.

What Time of Year is Best to Fish for Snook in Boca Grande?

Like we mentioned before we do fish and catch Snook all year long but there are certain times of the year that Snook tend to bite better than others.

  • Jan & Feb

During the winter months of Jan & Feb it can be cold here in Southwest Florida so most of the Snook pile up in deep backcountry creeks and canals to avoid the cold. We generally fish live shrimp in the mornings or on cold days and lures during warmer conditions. Normally this time of year produces 10-30 fish per day in all sizes.

  • March-May

During March-May the Snook are migrating out of these backcountry creeks and can be found in the creek mouths and islands of Charlotte Harbor. They are eating everything they can as they get ready to spawn in the upcoming months. These fish are much more active than winter fish because of the warmer temperatures and live bait chumming produces 10-75 fish per day in all sizes.

  • June-September

During June-September the Snook can be found on the beaches of Southwest Florida in great numbers as they cruise up and down the edges eating pinfish and sardines. During these months we catch tons of Snook and 100 plus fish days are not uncommon.

  • October-December

During October- December we continue to catch Snook as they migrate into the backcountry to get ready for winters cooler temperatures. The waters are starting to cool and the bite nothing short of awesome!

Snook Fishing Facts:



Snook are perhaps the most vulnerable of any Florida gamefish when a frost sets in. Water temperatures below 54 degrees often result in Snook fatalities.


When in season the legal slot for keeping Snook in Southwest Florida is 28”-33” and only one fish per angler per day.


Snook Season is open March and April in the spring and September thru November in the fall.


I strongly encourage catch and release for Snook! Even when they are in season!